Meet the Manager ⁠— Paisley Ross, Events & Accommodation


Paisley Ross, Events & Accommodation Manager

In the last week of Autumn, when the rich red leaves were being replaced by bare branches, Mona Farm sat down with Events & Accommodation Master, Paisley Ross to chat about her career to date, the best workplace advice she’s received and her favourite season at Mona Farm.

Having grown up in the United Kingdom, Paisley has a fancy (and extremely elegant) English accent. This interview is best enjoyed with that accent in mind. Like when she says ‘chatterbox’ and ‘gosh’.

MF: Talk us through your career leading up to Mona Farm. What was your hospitality background?

PR: From a young age, having worked in a number of pubs, bars and as a waitress for catering companies across the UK, I was always destined to end up in the events industry. However, before I began my journey in events, I studied Criminology at university and dabbled in the London real estate market. In 2015, I journeyed across the seas to Australia and worked alongside Romy for four years in Sydney. During this time I gained a wealth of experience coordinating a range of events including private, corporate & boutique weddings.

MF: You work remotely for us, in the beachside suburb of Manly. What are the pro’s and con’s of WFH?

PR: Pro - Being a bit of a chatterbox, working from home is great as I’m able to focus and not get too distracted. Con - I really miss seeing my colleagues in person and being able to workshop ideas with them one-on-one. ZOOM is great but it doesn’t beat that human-to-human creative energy. I always make sure I have some dates in my calendar to visit the team. Plus, when your office is a luxury estate, it’s pretty enjoyable!

MF: Best career advice you’ve received?

PR: Don’t sweat the small stuff, just take control of what you can control.

MF: A hard one, BUT what’s the best season at Mona Farm and why?

PR: Gosh, a difficult decision to make but I’m going to lock in Autumn. The farm looks so beautiful at this time of year! The leaves have fallen off, the property is full of rich & vibrant colours and there’s something special about gathering around the outdoor wood fires. This is a luxury you don’t really get in the city.

MF: You're organising a weekend away with friends. Do you choose The Homestead or The New Stables?

PR: I’d choose The New Stables. I love the entertaining space available in The New Stables, especially the outdoor fire & the large seating area. Being able to accommodate up to 18 guests is great, and having the bunk room creates an element of ‘back-to-school’ dorm sharing, but on a luxury scale. Also who doesn’t love a giant pig statue/coffee table!

MF: Highlight of your role to date?

Working with so many incredible and understanding guests, especially during the months of Covid and lockdown. Whilst it was difficult to have those tricky conversations about the unknown I feel so proud that we were able to postpone and accommodate all our beautiful accommodation guests & wedding couples!

The contemporary artworks, accommodation and grounds are spectacular, however what makes Mona Farm a world-class destination is the exceptional service delivered by our team of hospitality experts.

If you would like to work alongside team members such as Paisley, please feel free to get in touch and tell us about yourself.
Romy Besnard, General Manager —